Natečaj je namenjen avtorjem, ki – ne glede na državljanstvo – stalno ali začasno bivajo v Sloveniji, pišejo pa predvsem v svojem maternem jeziku (ne v slovenščini).
1. Obseg besedil
Proza in dramski teksti – do 10 strani (lahko tudi odlomki daljših tekstov), poezija – do 15 pesmi. Priloženi prevodi v slovenščino so zaželeni, niso pa nujni.
2. Šifra
Vsak prispevek mora biti označen s šifro, v posebni kuverti oz. v e-priponki pa naj bodo naslednji podatki: ime in priimek avtorja, domači naslov, letnica rojstva, izobrazba oziroma poklic, telefonska številka, naslov e-pošte. Vsi navedeni podatki bodo uporabljeni samo za namene, ki jih obsega ta razpis.
3. Žirija
Poslana besedila bo pregledala posebna žirija, sestavljena iz poznavalcev literature posameznih jezikov, ki bo med vsemi poslanimi prispevki izbrala avtorje najboljših besedil za državno srečanje (največ petnajst avtorjev). Izbor literarnih besedil bo objavljen v reviji Paralele. Avtorji odstopijo svoja besedila za objavo brezplačno.
4. Prijava
Avtorji naj svoja dela pošljejo do petka, 15. marca 2013 v izvirniku (torej ne v slovenščini) po elektronski pošti na e-naslov oziroma v dveh izvodih na:
Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti
revija Mentor
Štefanova 5
1000 Ljubljana
s pripisom »Sosed tvojega brega 2013«.
5. Kraj in datum srečanja
Državno srečanje Sosed tvojega brega 2013 bomo pripravili skupaj z izpostavo v Novem mestu, 21. in 22. junija 2013, v okviru Tedna kulture. Na programu bodo literarne in prevajalske delavnice, predavanja, literarno-glasbeni recital izbranih avtorjev, predstavitev novih knjig sodelujočih avtorjev in gostov.
Dodatne informacije
mag. Barbara RIGLER, samostojna strokovna svetovalka za literarno dejavnost
Telefon: (01) 2410 516
Faks: (01) 2410 510
Štefanova 5, 1000 Ljubljana
T: 01 24 10 516, F: 01 24 10 510
e-pošta: Date: 13. 2. 2013
MENTOR MAGAZINE is announcing a competition open to the general public and a nationwide gathering
is intended for authors who - regardless of their citizenship – live in Slovenia (momentarily or permanently), and write predominantly in their mother tongue (not Slovenian).
Eligible texts
Prose and dramatic texts – up to 10 pages (can be fragments of longer texts), poetry – up to 15 poems. Attached translations in Slovene will be welcomed, but they are not obligatory.
Anonymous entries
All entries should be anonymous and should include an identification code and a special envelope or email attachment with the following data: name and surname of the author, home address, year of birth, education and profession, telephone number, email address. This data will be used solely for the purposes of this competition.
The received texts will be read by a professional jury of literature experts in individual languages, who will select the authors of the best texts and invite them to the nationwide gathering (a maximum of fifteen authors). The selected texts will be published in the magazine Paralele. The authors will agree to have their texts published without receiving a fee.
The authors should send in their works by Friday, 15th March 2013 in the original (not in Slovenian) to the following email address: or in duplicate to the following address: Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti, revija Mentor, Štefanova 5, 1000 Ljubljana, with the postscript »Sosed tvojega brega 2013«.
The nationwide gathering Neighbour of your shore 2013 will be prepared together with the branch in Novo mesto, and will take place on 21st and 22nd June 2013, within the frame of the week of culture. The programme will include literary and translation workshops, lectures, literary-musical recitals by selected authors, as well as presentations of new books by participating authors and guests.
Barbara Rigler, managing editor of the Mentor magazine
And independent adviser for literary activities
Natečaj je namenjen avtorjem, ki – ne glede na državljanstvo – stalno ali začasno bivajo v Sloveniji, pišejo pa predvsem v svojem maternem jeziku (ne v slovenščini).
1. Obseg besedil
Proza in dramski teksti – do 10 strani (lahko tudi odlomki daljših tekstov), poezija – do 15 pesmi. Priloženi prevodi v slovenščino so zaželeni, niso pa nujni.
2. Šifra
Vsak prispevek mora biti označen s šifro, v posebni kuverti oz. v e-priponki pa naj bodo naslednji podatki: ime in priimek avtorja, domači naslov, letnica rojstva, izobrazba oziroma poklic, telefonska številka, naslov e-pošte. Vsi navedeni podatki bodo uporabljeni samo za namene, ki jih obsega ta razpis.
3. Žirija
Poslana besedila bo pregledala posebna žirija, sestavljena iz poznavalcev literature posameznih jezikov, ki bo med vsemi poslanimi prispevki izbrala avtorje najboljših besedil za državno srečanje (največ petnajst avtorjev). Izbor literarnih besedil bo objavljen v reviji Paralele. Avtorji odstopijo svoja besedila za objavo brezplačno.
4. Prijava
Avtorji naj svoja dela pošljejo do petka, 15. marca 2013 v izvirniku (torej ne v slovenščini) po elektronski pošti na e-naslov oziroma v dveh izvodih na:
Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti
revija Mentor
Štefanova 5
1000 Ljubljana
s pripisom »Sosed tvojega brega 2013«.
5. Kraj in datum srečanja
Državno srečanje Sosed tvojega brega 2013 bomo pripravili skupaj z izpostavo v Novem mestu, 21. in 22. junija 2013, v okviru Tedna kulture. Na programu bodo literarne in prevajalske delavnice, predavanja, literarno-glasbeni recital izbranih avtorjev, predstavitev novih knjig sodelujočih avtorjev in gostov.
Dodatne informacije
mag. Barbara RIGLER, samostojna strokovna svetovalka za literarno dejavnost
Telefon: (01) 2410 516
Faks: (01) 2410 510
Štefanova 5, 1000 Ljubljana
T: 01 24 10 516, F: 01 24 10 510
e-pošta: Date: 13. 2. 2013
MENTOR MAGAZINE is announcing a competition open to the general public and a nationwide gathering
is intended for authors who - regardless of their citizenship – live in Slovenia (momentarily or permanently), and write predominantly in their mother tongue (not Slovenian).
Eligible texts
Prose and dramatic texts – up to 10 pages (can be fragments of longer texts), poetry – up to 15 poems. Attached translations in Slovene will be welcomed, but they are not obligatory.
Anonymous entries
All entries should be anonymous and should include an identification code and a special envelope or email attachment with the following data: name and surname of the author, home address, year of birth, education and profession, telephone number, email address. This data will be used solely for the purposes of this competition.
The received texts will be read by a professional jury of literature experts in individual languages, who will select the authors of the best texts and invite them to the nationwide gathering (a maximum of fifteen authors). The selected texts will be published in the magazine Paralele. The authors will agree to have their texts published without receiving a fee.
The authors should send in their works by Friday, 15th March 2013 in the original (not in Slovenian) to the following email address: or in duplicate to the following address: Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti, revija Mentor, Štefanova 5, 1000 Ljubljana, with the postscript »Sosed tvojega brega 2013«.
The nationwide gathering Neighbour of your shore 2013 will be prepared together with the branch in Novo mesto, and will take place on 21st and 22nd June 2013, within the frame of the week of culture. The programme will include literary and translation workshops, lectures, literary-musical recitals by selected authors, as well as presentations of new books by participating authors and guests.
Barbara Rigler, managing editor of the Mentor magazine
And independent adviser for literary activities