Oder žensk 2011 vas vljudno vabi k nastopu na pesniško-proznem maratonu »Ventil poči. / Levi besnijo.« (Srečko Kosovel, Cirkus Kludsky), ki bo 9. oktobra v Trubarjevi hiši literature od 17. ure dalje.
Oder žensk je v okviru Festivala Mesto žensk in v sodelovanju z društvom ŠKUC in revijo Apokalipsa v letih 2003, 2004 in 2006 odpiral prostor za ženske glasove; v drugem desetletju pa se je pokazala potreba, da si pišoči vseh spolov, starosti in jezikov izmenjamo izkušnje, znanje in kritično energijo, ki je usmerjena k ustvarjalnemu izrekanju resnice časa, v katerem živimo, in ki nam pomaga preživeti kot avtonomne in suverene osebnosti.
Tema letošnjega srečanja je JEZA v vseh svojih oblikah: kot sila, ki nas žene naprej in nam daje energijo za spopad z neštetimi, tudi birokratskimi ovirami v družbeno-političnem polju, kot ogorčenje, kot sveta jeza, kot satira, kot pikrost, kot protest … kar koli, kar lahko služi kot STRATEGIJA PREŽIVETJA.
Za največ 8 minut bo oder vaš – imeli boste priložnost, da ste ustvarjalno jezni, da se jezi prepustite ali pa do nje zavzamete kritično stališče – da se ji zoperstavite, spregovorite o alternativah, o potrebi po spremembi ali morda aktivnejšem angažmaju na kakršen koli način: tako da preberete pesem ali odlomek iz romana, humoreske, da preprosto pripovedujete o svoji izkušnji, da izvedete performans, da poveste, o čem se strastno pogovarjate ali jezite s prijatelji ob kavi, da protestirate z molčanjem, da zakričite, ste do jeze indiferentni ali pa na kakršen koli način kritični … Načinov in oblik je nešteto – omejitvi sta samo čas in prostor …
Srečko Kosovel: CIRKUS KLUDSKY
Prostor št. ...
Kolombina se slači, se slači.
Vsi gledajo.
Nihče ne vidi,
da se drži na zobeh.
Dviga se. Že pod šotorom.
Drzke opazke.
Sramoten smeh.
Zdaj spusti zadnjo tančico.
Oni jo gledajo,
grizejo z očmi
v njeno mehko telo.
Lepa bedra ima.
Valovite prsi.
in zasmehujejo
njeno trpljenje
in sramotijo.
Vidite: žival
ploska človeku.
Človek je žival.
Žival je človek.
Ventil poči.
Levi besnijo.
Prosimo vas, da nam najkasneje do 25. septembra prijavite svoj nastop s kratkim opisom tega, kar boste počeli, in trajanjem nastopa na barbara.korun@gmail.com in telefon 040.246.538, mi pa vas bomo obvestili o natančnem času vašega nastopa.
Koncept in koordinacija: Barbara Korun in Sabina Potočki
V kratkem bo objavljen celoten festivalski program 17. mednarodnega festivala sodobnih umetnosti - Mesto žensk. Vabljeni!
omen’s Stage 2011 kindly invites you to participate at a poetry-prose marathon taking place on October 9th in the Trubar Literature House from 5 pm onwards. »The valve bursts. / The lions are raging.« (Srečko Kosovel, Kludsky Circus)
As part of City of Women Festival and in collaboration with ŠKUC and Apokalipsa magazine in 2003, 2004 and 2006, the Women’s Stage became the platform for Slovenian women’s voices. During its second decade, however, the need has emerged for writers of all genders, ages and languages to exchange experience, know-how and critical energy to be directed to the creative expression of the truth of the time we live in and which will help us survive as autonomous and sovereign individuals.
The subject of this year’s meeting is ANGER in all its forms: as a force that keeps us going and gives us energy to confront the innumerable (also bureaucratic) obstacles in the social and political field; as indignation, infuriation, satire and sarcasm, protest… anything which might serve as a STRATEGY OF SURVIVAL.
The stage will be all yours for a maximum of eight minutes. You’ll have a chance to be angry in a creative way, to be overwhelmed by anger or to take a critical stand – to oppose it, talk about the alternatives, the need for change or maybe a more active involvement, in any way whatsoever: you may read a poem or an excerpt from a novel or a humorous sketch, you may simply talk about your experience, give a performance, tell what you passionately discuss or criticise with your friends over a cup of coffee, protest by silence, scream, be indifferent to anger or critical… There are a number of ways and forms – the only limit is time and space…
Srečko Kosovel, Kludsky Circus
Seat No. ...
undresses, undresses.
Everybody watches.
Nobody sees
that she is hanging by her teeth.
Rising. Already near the tent-top.
Insolent comments.
Shameful laughter.
Now she sheds her last veil.
They watch her
biting with the eyes
into her soft body.
They applaud.
She has beautiful thighs.
Wavy breasts.
They applaud
and mock
her suffering
and insult her.
See, the animal
is applauding the human.
The human is animal.
The animal is human.
The valve bursts.
The lions are raging.
Translated by Bert Pribac & David Brooks
You are kindly asked to apply for participation no later than September 25 by submitting a brief description of what you will do, as well as its duration, to barbara.korun@gmail.com or by telephone at 040.246.538; we will inform you of the exact time of your appearance.
A detailed program of the 17th International Festival for Contemporary Arts - City of Women will be available soon. Join us!
Oder žensk 2011 vas vljudno vabi k nastopu na pesniško-proznem maratonu »Ventil poči. / Levi besnijo.« (Srečko Kosovel, Cirkus Kludsky), ki bo 9. oktobra v Trubarjevi hiši literature od 17. ure dalje.
Oder žensk je v okviru Festivala Mesto žensk in v sodelovanju z društvom ŠKUC in revijo Apokalipsa v letih 2003, 2004 in 2006 odpiral prostor za ženske glasove; v drugem desetletju pa se je pokazala potreba, da si pišoči vseh spolov, starosti in jezikov izmenjamo izkušnje, znanje in kritično energijo, ki je usmerjena k ustvarjalnemu izrekanju resnice časa, v katerem živimo, in ki nam pomaga preživeti kot avtonomne in suverene osebnosti.
Tema letošnjega srečanja je JEZA v vseh svojih oblikah: kot sila, ki nas žene naprej in nam daje energijo za spopad z neštetimi, tudi birokratskimi ovirami v družbeno-političnem polju, kot ogorčenje, kot sveta jeza, kot satira, kot pikrost, kot protest … kar koli, kar lahko služi kot STRATEGIJA PREŽIVETJA.
Za največ 8 minut bo oder vaš – imeli boste priložnost, da ste ustvarjalno jezni, da se jezi prepustite ali pa do nje zavzamete kritično stališče – da se ji zoperstavite, spregovorite o alternativah, o potrebi po spremembi ali morda aktivnejšem angažmaju na kakršen koli način: tako da preberete pesem ali odlomek iz romana, humoreske, da preprosto pripovedujete o svoji izkušnji, da izvedete performans, da poveste, o čem se strastno pogovarjate ali jezite s prijatelji ob kavi, da protestirate z molčanjem, da zakričite, ste do jeze indiferentni ali pa na kakršen koli način kritični … Načinov in oblik je nešteto – omejitvi sta samo čas in prostor …
Srečko Kosovel: CIRKUS KLUDSKY
Prostor št. ...
Kolombina se slači, se slači.
Vsi gledajo.
Nihče ne vidi,
da se drži na zobeh.
Dviga se. Že pod šotorom.
Drzke opazke.
Sramoten smeh.
Zdaj spusti zadnjo tančico.
Oni jo gledajo,
grizejo z očmi
v njeno mehko telo.
Lepa bedra ima.
Valovite prsi.
in zasmehujejo
njeno trpljenje
in sramotijo.
Vidite: žival
ploska človeku.
Človek je žival.
Žival je človek.
Ventil poči.
Levi besnijo.
Prosimo vas, da nam najkasneje do 25. septembra prijavite svoj nastop s kratkim opisom tega, kar boste počeli, in trajanjem nastopa na barbara.korun@gmail.com in telefon 040.246.538, mi pa vas bomo obvestili o natančnem času vašega nastopa.
Koncept in koordinacija: Barbara Korun in Sabina Potočki
V kratkem bo objavljen celoten festivalski program 17. mednarodnega festivala sodobnih umetnosti - Mesto žensk. Vabljeni!
omen’s Stage 2011 kindly invites you to participate at a poetry-prose marathon taking place on October 9th in the Trubar Literature House from 5 pm onwards. »The valve bursts. / The lions are raging.« (Srečko Kosovel, Kludsky Circus)
As part of City of Women Festival and in collaboration with ŠKUC and Apokalipsa magazine in 2003, 2004 and 2006, the Women’s Stage became the platform for Slovenian women’s voices. During its second decade, however, the need has emerged for writers of all genders, ages and languages to exchange experience, know-how and critical energy to be directed to the creative expression of the truth of the time we live in and which will help us survive as autonomous and sovereign individuals.
The subject of this year’s meeting is ANGER in all its forms: as a force that keeps us going and gives us energy to confront the innumerable (also bureaucratic) obstacles in the social and political field; as indignation, infuriation, satire and sarcasm, protest… anything which might serve as a STRATEGY OF SURVIVAL.
The stage will be all yours for a maximum of eight minutes. You’ll have a chance to be angry in a creative way, to be overwhelmed by anger or to take a critical stand – to oppose it, talk about the alternatives, the need for change or maybe a more active involvement, in any way whatsoever: you may read a poem or an excerpt from a novel or a humorous sketch, you may simply talk about your experience, give a performance, tell what you passionately discuss or criticise with your friends over a cup of coffee, protest by silence, scream, be indifferent to anger or critical… There are a number of ways and forms – the only limit is time and space…
Srečko Kosovel, Kludsky Circus
Seat No. ...
undresses, undresses.
Everybody watches.
Nobody sees
that she is hanging by her teeth.
Rising. Already near the tent-top.
Insolent comments.
Shameful laughter.
Now she sheds her last veil.
They watch her
biting with the eyes
into her soft body.
They applaud.
She has beautiful thighs.
Wavy breasts.
They applaud
and mock
her suffering
and insult her.
See, the animal
is applauding the human.
The human is animal.
The animal is human.
The valve bursts.
The lions are raging.
Translated by Bert Pribac & David Brooks
You are kindly asked to apply for participation no later than September 25 by submitting a brief description of what you will do, as well as its duration, to barbara.korun@gmail.com or by telephone at 040.246.538; we will inform you of the exact time of your appearance.