* * *
I want to focus to a point and be silent in peace.
Rad bi se zbral v točko in miroval v molku.
* * *
A flower knows everything and understands everything.
Roža ve vse in vse razume.
* * *
I am dreaming and undulating. That is where power comes from.
Sanjam in valujem. V tem je moč.
* * *
Our own happiness is not the goal as we may think.
Sreča ni cilj, kot se človeku dozdeva.
* * *
Pleasure is a sort of thankfulness.
Veselje je oblika hvaležnosti.
* * *
Keep in mind that with any thought you may have, there is always an alternative way of thinking/a way to think differently.
Pri vsem, kar misliš, se zavedaj, da se da razmišljati tudi drugače.
* * *
The best sword is the one which cuts into the darkness with its light.
Najboljši meč je tisti, ki zasveti, da razreže temo.
* * *
He who finds life nothing more than a task, quickly sees it become nothing more than a nuisance.
Komur je življenje samo naloga, mu kmalu postane nadloga.
* * *
Initially, I thought that the first is: mine. Then, that the first is: human. Now I know that the first is: God’s.
Najprej sem mislil, da je prvo: moje. Potem, da je prvo: človeško. Zdaj vem, da je prvo: božje.
* * *
Fasting makes sense when you can say, “With pleasure!”
Post ima smisel, ko rečeš: »Rad se odpovem!«
* * *
It is heavenly here! Yet I thought I was in hell.
Saj tu so nebesa! Jaz sem pa mislil, da sem v peklu.
* * *
Sometimes certain things may appear to be wrong. But later we realize they only appeared wrong but were in fact right.
Včasih se nam zdi kaj narobe. Pozneje pa vidimo, da je bilo tisto še najbolj prav.
* * *
A butterfly seems easy-going enough, but it bears its cross, too.
Misliš, da na videz lahkotni metulj nima svojega križa?
* * *
The cross is everything.
Križ je vse.
* * *
I came to a wall which I had built by myself. Only love can bring it down and pave the way into a brand new life.
Prišel sem do stene, ki sem si jo postavil sam. Samo ljubezen jo lahko predre in mi utre novo pot v življenje.
* * *
My faith helps me only if it is filled with love. And my hope is justified only when I harbour love.
Vera mi pomaga toliko, kolikor ljubezni je v njej. In upanja imam upravičenega le toliko, kolikor ljubezni je v meni.
* * *
The mind recognizes that it sometimes has to deny itself for love. When you are deciding, decide for the thing in which there is more love.
Razum spoznava, da se mora včasih zanikati zaradi ljubezni. Ko se odločaš, se odloči za tisto, v čemer je več ljubezni.
* * *
A word is a fire which suffers. It pours out into the sky.
Beseda je ogenj, ki trpi. Izliv v nebo.
* * *
A painting is a window into the soul, a piece of bread among the stones of walls.
Slika je okno v dušo, košček kruha med kamni sten.
* * *
You cannot live. You can only live for…
Živeti se ne da, da se le živeti za.
* * *
A force pulls me down. I make a big effort to stay up. No more effort, no more unrest. I will let the force find my roots in me.
Sila me vleče navzdol. In s silo in naporom se držim gor. Dovolj je truda in nemira. Pustil bom, da sila v meni poišče moje korenine.
* * *
There are no answers which I am looking for. Only openness remains...
Odgovorov, ki jih mukoma iščem, ni. Ostaja mi odprtost.
* * *
Inner peace cannot result from the mind. It already exists, but in a different way; all you have to do is simply let it be.
Notranji mir ne more biti plen razuma. A priori je, a drugačen. Le motiti ga ne smem.
* * *
I want to write a book which I myself could use ...
Rad bi napisal knjigo, ki bi jo sam potreboval …
* * *
I am not interested in your defence mechanisms. I want to know who you really are.
Ne zanimajo me tvoji obrambni mehanizmi. Zanima me, kdo si ti res.
* * *
Life is not a rush. You have to wait for yourself and for others. Never overtake. Then we find peace and our eyes open.
Življenje ni hitenje. Počakati je treba nase in na druge. Ničesar in nikogar prehitevati. Najdemo mir in odprejo se nam oči.
* * *
I saw something. I know something awful. I buried it too deep to be able to talk about it. But to believe is more. I sublimate into a snowflake.
Nekaj sem videl. Nekaj strašnega vem. Pregloboko je, da bi mogel povedati. A verovati je več. Sublimiram v snežinko.
* * *
I am not what people see. I am not what I feel. In his hand there is another soul, which walks with me, next to me, pure and resurrected. This is what I am. All the rest is nothing but dust.
Nisem to, kar vidijo ljudje. Nisem to, kar čutim sam. V rokah njega je še ena duša, hodi z mano, ob meni, usojena, čista in vstala. To sem. Vse drugo na meni je prah.
* * *
Life: Variations: Cross.
Življenje: variacije: Križ.
* * *
He walks next to me. I walk next to him. As I eat him, I am in him.
Kot on ob meni hodi, hodim jaz ob njem. Kot jaz njega jem, sem sam v njem.
* * *
I recognize him in my cross; and in long evenings of confusion and sin. He always knows me.
Prepoznavam ga v svojem križu. In v dolgih večerih zmede in greha. Vedno me pozna.
* * *
Even if I am the last, the most damned, hidden sinner, he will find me and enlighten me. In this faith there is nothing left in me that is unredeemed.
Tudi če sem zadnji, najgloblje zabredli, najbolj preklet in nevreden, prefinjen skrit grešnik, me bo našel in me razsvetlil. V tej veri v meni ne ostaja nič neodrešenega.
* * *
He has cast a light deep inside of me. He has seen my foundation. He took me into his hands; I washed myself in his mercy…
Globoko vame je posvetil. Videl je moje dno. V svoje roke me je vzel, ves sem se okopal v njegovi milosti …
* * *
My dark secret became my bright secret when he came and gave me his light. I simply invited him, and everything became bright.
Moja temna skrivnost je postala moja svetla skrivnost, ko je on prišel in prižgal luč. Samo povabil sem ga in vse je postalo svetlo.
* * *
The artist lives from heaven to hell, but never between them.
Umetnik živi od pekla do nebes, le nikoli tistega vmes.
* * *
It is not happiness if you remove your weaknesses, which make you unhappy. Happiness is in giving yourself as a gift just the way that you are.
Ni sreča, če odstraniš čim več svojih napak, zaradi katerih si nesrečen. Sreča je v darovanju samega sebe takšnega, kot si.
* * *
I cannot live in my own way, but as God intended.
Ne morem biti po svoje. Ampak tako, kot me daje Bog.
* * *
It is not necessary to enjoy my free time. The important thing is I allow myself some.
Ni nujno, da uživam v prostem času. Pomembno je, da si ga privoščim.
* * *
I write to empty my heart of doubts...
Pišem, da srce bi izpraznil dvomov …
* * *
The walls are tumbling down. What we build falls. What grows on its own helps us remove the ruins.
Stene padajo. Kar postavimo, se zruši. Kar zraste samo, nam pomaga odstraniti ruševine.
* * *
God’s will more certainly occurs randomly than through our efforts
Po naključjih se božja volja dogaja bolj zanesljivo kot po našem prizadevanju.
* * *
Energy is just another type of matter.
Energija je še vedno neke vrste materija.
* * *
God is a spirit, a person, our creator and father, love.
Bog je duh, oseba, naš stvarnik in oče, ljubezen.
* * *
All that is Earthly is humus for flowers that will grow in heaven.
Vse zemeljsko je humus za rože, ki bodo zrasle v nebesih.
* * *
My life used to mean a slow passing away, until death started to mean life.
Moje življenje je bilo počasno minevanje, dokler mi smrt ni začela pomeniti življenja.
* * *
The nicest thought is the thought of another.
Najlepša misel je misel na drugega.
* * *
I spent half my life trying to find how man can be happy in spite of suffering?” I found the answer: “To be willing to suffer for Jesus.”
Pol življenja sem iskal, kako bi človek lahko postal srečen kljub trpljenju. Odgovor sem našel: Rad trpeti v Jezusov namen.
* * *
You mustn’t believe everything you think.
Tudi svojim mislim ne smeš vsega verjeti.
* * *
Whatever it is you are abstaining from, you will receive even more of the same…
Čemur se odpoveš, tistega prejmeš še veliko več …
* * *
Reality is hammering nails; truth is dying, so it can be resurrected forever…
Resničnost zabija žeblje, resnica umira, da bo vstala za večno …
* * *
If you do not say, “It happens”, the suffering will be even more painful; you will extinguish joy and close off many paths.
Če ne boš rekel: »Zgodi se«, bo muka še bolj mučna, veselje boš ugasnil in zaprl si boš mnoge poti.
* * *
Pain is worst when you do not know that you are resisting God.
Najbolj boli, kadar ne veš, da se Bogu upiraš.
* * *
When you do not rid yourself of evil inside you, you cannot share your good.
Ko slabo zadržiš v sebi, tudi tvoje dobro ne more med druge.
* * *
When I look at the world, there is plenty I cannot understand. When I look at the cross, I understand everything.
Če pogledam svet, marsičesa ne razumem. Ko pogledam v razpelo, razumem vse.
* * *
You become human when you become aware of the light touching you in the depths of your soul.
Človek postaneš, ko se začneš zavedati, da se te v najglobljem dnu dotika svetloba.
* * *
Every human fate is a variation of the Christ’s fate.
Vsaka človeška usoda je variacija Kristusove usode.
* * *
A man should do what is right, not what suits him. But sometimes what suits him is right too.
Človek mora delati, kar je prav, ne pa tisto, kar mu godi. Včasih pa je tudi tisto, kar mu godi, prav.
* * *
Devout souls are safe souls.
Verne duše so varne duše.
* * *
Love is a feeling, relationship, will and deed.
Ljubezen je čustvo, odnos, volja in dejanje.
* * *
Suffering and inner peace are more fulfilling than pleasure and restlessness.
Trpljenje in mir sta bolj izpolnjujoča kot veselje in nemir.
* * *
Everything is only approximately as we think and feel.
Vse je samo približno tako, kot mislimo in čutimo.
* * *
When you use your whole brain, even its insane part, you can be creative and free. Allow yourself to be You.
Šele ko uporabiš vse možgane, tudi njihov nori del, si ustvarjalen in svoboden. Dovoli si biti Ti.
* * *
Cigarettes: I suffer if I smoke them or not. Just what good are they then?
Cigarete: Trpim, če jih vlečem ali če jih ne. Kakšen pomen torej imajo?
* * *
Every time I look myself in the mirror, I learn many new things about myself.
Vsakič, ko se pogledam v ogledalo, spoznam veliko novega o sebi.
* * *
Lost time means that I am lost during that time.
Izgubljeni čas je za isti čas izgubljeni jaz.
* * *
Some smart phones are so smart that they malfunction.
Nekateri pametni telefoni so tako pametni, da nehajo delovati.
* * *
Hope in greatness – great hope.
Upanje v veličastvo - veličastno upanje.
* * *
When I am in a rotten mood, I try to brighten somebody else’s day. And it helps.
Kadar sem slabe volje, skušam koga spraviti v dobro. In pomaga.
* * *
I pour redeemed water from a redeemed glass into my redeemed body. I breathe redeemed air, sit in a redeemed chair at a redeemed table under a redeemed sky.
Iz odrešenega kozarca vlijem odrešeno vodo v svoje odrešeno telo. Diham odrešen zrak, sedim na odrešenem stolu za odrešeno mizo pod odrešenim nebom.
* * *
Live to love God, yourself, and others!
Živi tako, da boš lahko imel rad Boga, sebe in druge!
* * *
Inspiration is above inhalation.
Navdih je nad-vdih.
* * *
How hard it is to live for yourself and how easy to live for others.
Kako težko je živeti zase in kako lahko za druge!
* * *
I tried to rescue myself but could not do it by myself. But God is doing everything in his power to rescue me. It is enough for me to cooperate.
Reševal sem se, pa se nisem mogel sam. A Bog dela vse, da bi me rešil. Dovolj je, da sodelujem.
* * *
Let me be what I am meant to be!
Za kar si me dal, za to naj bom!
* * *
It is luxurious to have your thoughts in order in this world.
Razkošje na tem svetu je: urejeno misliti.
* * *
We are going in the wrong direction: into ourselves, instead of to Him. We are looking down instead of up.
V napačno smer se zatekamo: Vase, namesto k njemu. Gledamo dol, namesto gor.
* * *
Why do we react to stress with fear and anxiety? It is better to relax and say, »It happens!«
Zakaj reagiramo na stres z zakrčenostjo, strahom in tesnobo? Bolje se je sprostiti in reči: Zgodi se!
* * *
To live transcendently means to be true to our spirit.
Živeti presežno pomeni uresničevati svojega duha.
* * *
Happiness always returns to rest in its peace.
Sreča se vrača počivat v svoj mir.
* * *
Life is an open system. Open to eternity. It is not limited by the human mind, but is part of God’s plans.
Življenje je odprt sistem. Odprt v večnost. Ne zaokroža se pri človeškem spoznanju, ampak v božjih načrtih.
* * *
If I think, I get a headache. If I do not think, I am happy.
Če mislim, me boli glava. Če ne mislim, sem vesel.
* * *
When a genius starts thinking that he is god, he takes a step forward and becomes a fool.
Ko genij začne misliti, da je bog, s tem naredi korak naprej in postane norec.
* * *
It is presumptuous to try to rationalize god within us.
Prevzetno je z razumom posegati v božje področje v sebi.
* * *
I stopped suffering when I humbly submitted to my suffering.
Zgodilo se je, da nisem trpel, ko sem se svojemu trpljenju ponižno vdal.
* * *
Won’t I become too complacent if I start to like myself more?
Ne bom samovšečen, ko si bom bolj všeč?
* * *
The rays of light our soul is sending up get their answer in a blessing from above.
Žarki, ki jih duša pošilja navzgor, dobijo odgovor v blagoslovu z neba.
* * *
There is mercy in what is, but even more so in how we look upon it.
Milost je že v tem, kar je, še bolj pa v tem, kako na to gledaš.
* * *
If a poet is not important to this world, then also the world cannot be important to him.
Če je pesnik za ta svet drugotnega pomena, naj bo še on zanj!
* * *
Man is love, but many people realize it when it’s too late.
Človek je ljubezen, le da to premnogi prepozno spoznajo.
* * *
Why should I lie, there is already too much truth.
Kaj naj bi lagal, saj je že resnice preveč.
* * *
Where are the limits of human limitations?
Kje so meje človeške omejenosti?
* * *
When I am unhappy, I think there is only what is in my mind. But there isn’t only that.
Kadar sem nesrečen, mislim, da je samo to, kar mislim. Pa ni samo to.
* * *
We cannot cheat God. We can only pray to him.
Boga ne moremo prevarati. Lahko ga samo prosimo.
* * *
Life is not an errand, it is a gift. It is not created by us, it comes from above. So we can always expect something nice.
Življenje ni obveznost, ampak dar. Ne ustvarjamo ga mi, ampak prihaja od zgoraj. Zato vedno lahko pričakujemo kaj lepega.
* * *
You can actually become ill from feeling poorly.
Od slabega počutja lahko še zboliš.
* * *
When does the artist find his true self? Never.
Kdaj umetnik najde samega sebe? Nikoli.
* * *
It is not necessary to be very good. It is better to be very dedicated.
Ni potrebno, da si nadvse dober, bolje je, da si nadvse predan.
* * *
If you do not take your life as it is, you will see it as something even worse.
Če ne vzameš dogajanja takega, kot je, ga vzameš še za hujšega, kot je.
* * *
A poet is a lover of souls.
Pesnik je ljubimec duš.
* * *
If you search for meaning, meaning will find you.
Če boš iskal smisel, te bo smisel našel.
* * *
Your inner clock is the best possible tool to tell you what time it is.
Notranja ura je najboljši pripomoček, da vidiš, koliko je ura.
* * *
If dreams are the most creative force in mn, then creative laziness is not far behind.
Če so sanje najbolj ustvarjalna stvar v človeku, je ustvarjalna lenoba takoj za njimi.
* * *
I always wanted to believe as strongly as atheists believe.
Vedno sem si želel imeti tako močno vero, kot jo imajo ateisti.
* * *
If you do not hurry, time goes by just right.
Če ne hitiš, čas teče prav.
* * *
My illness will die with me, but not my love.
Z menoj bo umrla tudi moja bolezen, ne pa moja ljubezen.
* * *
Hurrying means running away from what you would like to achieve.
Hitenje je beg pred tistim, kar bi rad dosegel.
* * *
We always have to be careful that we do not start loving darkness more than light, not even in our thoughts,.
Nenehno moramo paziti nase, da niti v mislih ne vzljubimo teme bolj kot svetlobe.
* * *
How is it that the clouds never droop, but my mood always does?
Kako, da oblaki ne padejo dol? Moje razpoloženje vedno.
* * *
He who constantly hurries his mission, won’t get far.
Kdor samo tišči na plin svojega poslanstva, ne bo prišel daleč.
* * *
Once I stopped hurrying towards my goal, it came to meet me half way.
Ko sem prenehal hiteti proti cilju, mi je prišel naproti.
* * *
All the culture in the world cannot help you if you are intrinsically unhappy.
Kaj pomaga vsa kultura, če si v sebi nesrečen?
* * *
Can melancholics be happy too? Yes, but in a different way.
Ali so tudi melanholiki lahko srečni? So, a drugače.
* * *
If you only think materialistically, you won’t get any consolation from the spirit.
Če boš razmišljal le materialno, boš od duha težko prejel kaj tolažbe.
* * *
The future will pass, too.
Tudi prihodnost bo minila.
* * *
Why do I worry when something goes wrong? That something is the right thing, or will yet be so.
Zakaj se vznemirjam, če gre kaj narobe? Ravno tisto je prav, ali pa še bo.
* * *
Whatever my thoughts cannot reach, can be reached through prayer.
Česar ne dosežejo moje misli, doseže moja molitev.
* * *
What is to come will come and will also pass.
Kar ima priti, bo prišlo in prešlo.
* * *
To leave open … You cannot round it up before the epilogue.
Pustiti odprto … Ne moreš zaokrožiti pred epilogom …
* * *
If the stars shone only for themselves, they would blow up.
Če bi zvezde sijale le zase, bi se razpočile.
* * *
A lot of illnesses are caused by return possessive energy.
Bolezni povzroča povratno svojilna energija.
* * *
God punishes us as little as he can.
Bog nas kaznuje najmanj, kolikor le more.
* * *
My toothache helped me survive the holidays.
Zobobol mi je pomagal preživeti praznike.
* * *
If we were fine all the time, we would become proud and would never learn anything.
Če bi nam bilo samo dobro, bi postali ošabni in se ne bi več ničesar naučili.
* * *
It is alright to shape our own character, but let God do the bulk of the work.
Saj je prav, da oblikujemo svoj značaj, ampak pustimo, da glavno naredi Bog.
* * *
Are you only interested in this world? Don’t you know that it is fleeting? You will live in eternity much longer.
Kaj vas zanima samo ta svet? Kaj ne veste, da je minljiv? V večnosti boste prebivali veliko dlje.
* * *
A human being travels to love, from there into death and from death back to love.
Človek potuje do ljubezni, iz nje v smrt in iz smrti spet v ljubezen.
* * *
The people who do well all the time do not interest me at all.
Tisti ljudje, ki jim gre vse dobro, me sploh ne zanimajo.
* * *
Which stage of error am I in today?
V kateri fazi zmote sem danes?
* * *
People who are in love are only sedated for a limited time.
Zaljubljenci so samo začasno omamljeni.
* * *
The foundation of evil is not being aware that we want to be like God.
Korenina slabega je, da se ne zavedamo, da hočemo biti kot Bog.
* * *
Nervousness is only huge impatience.
Živčnost je samo velika nestrpnost.
* * *
The present time must be the result of the future, not of the past.
Sedanjost mora biti rezultat prihodnosti, ne pa preteklosti.
* * *
It is silly: We are all fighting for survival, but nobody survives.
Smešno: Vsi se borimo za preživetje, preživi pa nihče.
* * *
All of which is not, is, and what is, is not.
Vse tisto, kar ni, je, vse, kar je, ni.
* * *
I am not looking for happiness anymore; I am looking for the prosperity which was promised us.
Ne iščem več ne sreče ne zadovoljstva, ampak blagre, ki so obljubljeni.
* * *
You live the way you think, but you can surpass it with prayer.
Živiš, kakor misliš, z molitvijo pa to presežeš.
* * *
Happiness is deep inside us. If it is not there, it does not exist.
Sreča je globoko v nas. Če je ni tam, je ni.
* * *
Return to yourself and you will find your true self.
Vrni se k sebi, pa se boš našel.
* * *
What should I do when I rest?
Kaj naj delam, ko počivam?
* * *
I looked for ways to enjoy life, I tried and contemplated. But that is not necessary. To live life as it comes is enough.
Iskal sem poti do uživanja življenja, trudil sem se in razmišljal. Ni se treba truditi, le živeti to, kar je.
* * *
To be: Essence.
Biti Bit.
* * *
Some people get it, others do not. But don’t they get much more?
Enim je dano, drugim pa ni. Ali jim s tem ni dano še kaj boljšega?
* * *
Poetry lifts earthly things up into the sky, but not into an empty sky.
Poezija povzdiguje zemeljske stvari k nebu, in to ne praznemu.
* * *
Strong people always have some primeval fear of weak people.
Močni ima vedno prastrah pred šibkim.
* * *
Every suffering leads to change.
Vsako trpljenje napoveduje spremembo.
* * *
If you are too attached to the present moment, you are also too attached to this world.
Če si preveč navezan na trenutek, si tudi preveč navezan na ta svet.
* * *
Events are approximate. They make God’s will reality.
Dogajanja so približno. Uresničujejo veliko Voljo.
* * *
I long looked for realizations but did not receive them, until I started to love the cognitive.
Dolgo sem iskal spoznanja, pa jih nisem prejel, dokler nisem spoznavanega vzljubil.
* * *
A man matures by shrinking.
Človek zori tako, da se manjša.
* * *
How can I wish people well if I can see that their main problem lies in the fact that they are too well off.
Kako naj želim nekaterim dobro, če opažam, da je njihova glavna težava v tem, da jim je predobro?
* * *
Everybody has a right to have his own problems.
Vsakdo ima pravico do svojih problemov.
* * *
Everything is loved. But it does not know that. When we fall, it becomes clear.
Vse je ljubljeno. A še ne ve. Ko propademo, se nam odpre …
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The future: It is not important, where we go, it is important to go there with trust.
Prihodnost: Ni pomembno, v kaj gremo, pomembno je, da gremo tja skupaj z zaupanjem.
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Suffering is a chance for conversion.
Trpljenje je prilika za spreobrnjenje.
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Any problem that I have ever put in God’s hands, has worked out well.
Katerokoli težavo sem dal v božje roke, se je lepo uredila.
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Is God more love than God, or is he more God than love?
Ali je Bog bolj ljubezen kot Bog ali bolj Bog kot ljubezen?
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Rest is more important than its duration. You rest when everything inside you is resting.
Počitek je pomembnejši od njegovega trajanja. Spočiješ se, ko počiva vse v tebi.
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A man should search, and find something that is in him and is stronger than death.
Človek mora iskati in najti nekaj, kar je v njem in je močnejše od smrti.