stavljaj si,
da smo samo
oči … Mamljiva
globina, očarljive
kaplje neskončnosti,
sijoča odkritost, zapelji-
vost vabljivosti. Bi ujeli utrip
zvezdnega neba in živahen,
radovedni val v pesku, obsijanem
z mesečino; ali čutili žametni poklon
praproti v razkošju rose? Bi hodili
bosi po travi, izrekli zahvalo, vdihovali
vonj brsteče pomladi, ujeli odmev želja?
Predstavljaj si, da smo samo oči … Bi lahko Mozart
molil, Domingo povzdigoval Verdijevo veličastje?
Bi Madame Curie odkrila rentgen, Monet poljubil
zarjo na reki Seini in labod Margot Fonteyn živel en
dan? Bi se Hamlet spraševal, Darwin vzvrščeval metulje,
Tesla ukrotil slapove? Bi se Jung dotaknil sence duše? In
Barnard presadil utrujeno srce? Predstavljaj si, da smo samo
oči … Neizgovorjene besed nad pečinami, šepetano upanje v
mesečini. Bi pesek polzel med prsti? Bi se sončni žarek ujel
med koralami? Predstavljaj si, da smo samo oči … Bi čutili
utrip zaupanja, dušeč oklep obupa, dih bližine, dotik
las, drhteče, lačne ustnice? Bi lahko nudili nežnost,
plesali v harmoniji topline? Bi slišali petje ptic? Ali
čutili klic miru in tišine? Obrisali solzo? Pred-
stavljaj si, da smo samo oči … Bi čutili
moč upanja, ples snežink, kapljo dežja,
ki se ziblje v cvetu - čarobno moč
dotika, hrepenenje plamena?
Predstavljaj si …
Nobody can take from me the sky: laughing azure; or the flowers,
or the secretive magnificent forests… Nobody can take away the
drumming clouds; or the silken wings of a butterfly laughing at the dew; or the high cliffs, inviting to their rocky heart; or take away the songs from magnificent church organs and flutes of a shepherd… Nobody can take away the starry sky glittering in infinite space… Nobody can take the bird’s song: lifting over the shadows of tree crowns reflecting in the morning mist; or the waves of the sea; cradled in eternal rhythm,
seeking narrow cliff exit… Nobody can take away from me the rainbow
span above a washed landscape, or a dewdrop, silver tear
trembling on the leaves hurrying into the sun’s warmth …
Nobody can take away from me the wind, caressing the tree
crowns, playing in child’s hair curls; or the breath
of spring awakening in a snowdrop… Nobody
can take the summer’s heat and the
glitter of golden wheat .
can take
the richness of
autumn, burdened with the
weight of ripe fruits; or the winter’s,
flowers of ice… Nobody can take from
me the beginning of a new day, or a new day, or the
goodbye of an evening or the magic of the night… Nobody
can take the inviting scent of rosemary plaited into memories;
or warmth of fire flames like burning rubies… Nobody can take away
the silence of a stone tumbling in a river, or my memories, wrapped
into the veil of past… Nobody can take dreams away from me, rushing
to the sky in a rainbow of colours; or the sunlight, caressing with warmth…
Nobody can take my faith! I feel, barefoot in the grass, that I am safe, enclosed
in a great power, humble in faith… Nobody can take all these riches from me: love,
the rhythmically waving grass, the offered beauty of magnificent nature - the riches of a heart!