rođ. Ružička, (*1962, Pula) diplomirala je inženjersku fiziku na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Objavljuje poeziju i prozu te radove u kratkim formama japanske tradicijske poezije i proze. Uspjehe je požnjela sa svojim haikuima i senrjuima u časopisima, antologijama te brojnim natječajima u zemlji i inozemstvu. Na području svoga profesionalnog djelovanja, članica je Hrvatskoga geološkog društva, a uz obitelj te zahtjevnu stručnu karijeru, bavi se i sportom. Višestruka je veteranska prvakinja države i Balkana u badmintonu. Nebrojeno puta kao igračica, ali i sutkinja, predstavljala je RH na međunarodnim natjecanjima. Članica je uredništva časopisa IRIS za haiku-poeziju te Hrvatskoga sabora kulture i United Haiku and Tanka Society, SAD. Sudjelovala je u radu međunarodnih susreta haiku-pjesnika Priroda u oku, Podgorica (Crna Gora, 2016.). Objavila je četiri knjige haikua.
Nina Kovačić neé Ružička, (Pula, Croatia, 1962) graduated in Physics from the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. She has written and published poetry and prose, publishing in joint collections and literary journals in Croatia. Her short Japanese poetry forms have been published in a great number of domestic and international publications for haiku, she takes part at all the domestic haiku meetings, her haiku often awarded. In the field of her profession, she is a member of Croatian Geological Society. Besides the challenging professional career and her family, Nina Kovačić is active in sports as well. She is the Croatian and Balkan’s multiple champion in badminton for veterans. She has presented Croatia at the international competitions a number of times, both as a player and as an umpire. She is on the editorial team of the magazine IRIS, and a member of several domestic and international literary societies. She took part at the international conference of haiku poets Nature in the Eye in Podgorica (Montenegro) 2016. Nina Kovačić has released four books of haiku.